Aging and Age-Related Disorders from a Biological, Epidemiological and Clinical perspective

Respondents: 24
Answer Count: 12
Answer Frequency: 50.00%


In my view, I have developed valuable expertise/skills during the course.

In my view, I have developed valuable expertise/skills during the course.Number of responses
to a very small extent0 (0.0%)
to a small extent0 (0.0%)
to some extent1 (8.3%)
to a large extent5 (41.7%)
to a very large extent6 (50.0%)
Total12 (100.0%)
 MeanStandard DeviationCoefficient of VariationMinLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMax
In my view, I have developed valuable expertise/skills during the course.4.40.715.1 %

In my view, I have achieved all the intended learning outcomes of the course.

In my view, I have achieved all the intended learning outcomes of the course.Number of responses
to a very small extent0 (0.0%)
to a small extent0 (0.0%)
to some extent2 (16.7%)
to a large extent6 (50.0%)
to a very large extent4 (33.3%)
Total12 (100.0%)
 MeanStandard DeviationCoefficient of VariationMinLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMax
In my view, I have achieved all the intended learning outcomes of the course.4.20.717.2 %

In my view, there was a common theme running throughout the course – from learning outcomes to examinations.

In my view, there was a common theme running throughout the course – from learning outcomes to examinations.Number of responses
to a very small extent0 (0.0%)
to a small extent0 (0.0%)
to some extent3 (25.0%)
to a large extent4 (33.3%)
to a very large extent5 (41.7%)
Total12 (100.0%)
 MeanStandard DeviationCoefficient of VariationMinLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMax
In my view, there was a common theme running throughout the course – from learning outcomes to examinations.4.20.820.0 %

In my view, the course has promoted a scientific way of thinking and reasoning (e.g. analytical and critical thinking, independent search for and evaluation of information).

In my view, the course has promoted a scientific way of thinking and reasoning (e.g. analytical and critical thinking, independent search for and evaluation of information).Number of responses
to a very small extent0 (0.0%)
to a small extent1 (8.3%)
to some extent1 (8.3%)
to a large extent2 (16.7%)
to a very large extent8 (66.7%)
Total12 (100.0%)
 MeanStandard DeviationCoefficient of VariationMinLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMax
In my view, the course has promoted a scientific way of thinking and reasoning (e.g. analytical and critical thinking, independent search for and evaluation of information). %

In my view, during the course, the teachers have been open to ideas and opinions about the course’s structure and content.

In my view, during the course, the teachers have been open to ideas and opinions about the course’s structure and content.Number of responses
to a very small extent0 (0.0%)
to a small extent0 (0.0%)
to some extent0 (0.0%)
to a large extent4 (33.3%)
to a very large extent8 (66.7%)
Total12 (100.0%)
 MeanStandard DeviationCoefficient of VariationMinLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMax
In my view, during the course, the teachers have been open to ideas and opinions about the course’s structure and content.4.70.510.6 %

To what extent do you feel that the design of the course was appropriate to the intended learning outcomes?

To what extent do you feel that the design of the course was appropriate to the intended learning outcomes?Number of responses
To a very small extent0 (0.0%)
To a small extent0 (0.0%)
To some extent1 (8.3%)
To a large extent4 (33.3%)
To a very large extent7 (58.3%)
Don’t know/Not applicable0 (0.0%)
Total12 (100.0%)
 MeanStandard DeviationCoefficient of VariationMinLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMax
To what extent do you feel that the design of the course was appropriate to the intended learning outcomes?4.50.715.0 %

To what extent do you feel that the course literature supported your learning?

To what extent do you feel that the course literature supported your learning?Number of responses
To a very small extent0 (0.0%)
To a small extent0 (0.0%)
To some extent3 (25.0%)
To a large extent3 (25.0%)
To a very large extent6 (50.0%)
Don’t know/Not applicable0 (0.0%)
Total12 (100.0%)
 MeanStandard DeviationCoefficient of VariationMinLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMax
To what extent do you feel that the course literature supported your learning?4.20.920.4 %

To what extent do you feel that the study aids (computer programmes, internet, models, equipment and other material) helped you achieve the intended learning outcomes?

To what extent do you feel that the study aids (computer programmes, internet, models, equipment and other material) helped you achieve the intended learning outcomes?Number of responses
To a very small extent0 (0.0%)
To a small extent1 (8.3%)
To some extent2 (16.7%)
To a large extent6 (50.0%)
To a very large extent3 (25.0%)
Don’t know/Not applicable0 (0.0%)
Total12 (100.0%)
 MeanStandard DeviationCoefficient of VariationMinLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMax
To what extent do you feel that the study aids (computer programmes, internet, models, equipment and other material) helped you achieve the intended learning outcomes?3.90.923.0 %

To what extent do you feel that the teachers were able to support your learning during the course?

To what extent do you feel that the teachers were able to support your learning during the course?Number of responses
To a very small extent0 (0.0%)
To a small extent0 (0.0%)
To some extent1 (8.3%)
To a large extent3 (25.0%)
To a very large extent7 (58.3%)
Don’t know/Not applicable1 (8.3%)
Total12 (100.0%)
 MeanStandard DeviationCoefficient of VariationMinLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMax
To what extent do you feel that the teachers were able to support your learning during the course?4.70.816.7 %

To what extent do you feel that the tests/exams were appropriately designed with respect to the intended learning outcomes?

To what extent do you feel that the tests/exams were appropriately designed with respect to the intended learning outcomes?Number of responses
To a very small extent0 (0.0%)
To a small extent0 (0.0%)
To some extent1 (8.3%)
To a large extent7 (58.3%)
To a very large extent4 (33.3%)
Don’t know/Not applicable0 (0.0%)
Total12 (100.0%)
 MeanStandard DeviationCoefficient of VariationMinLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMax
To what extent do you feel that the tests/exams were appropriately designed with respect to the intended learning outcomes?4.20.614.6 %

To what extent do you feel that the workload during the course was reasonable in relation to the extent of the course/number of credits awarded?

To what extent do you feel that the workload during the course was reasonable in relation to the extent of the course/number of credits awarded?Number of responses
To a very small extent0 (0.0%)
To a small extent0 (0.0%)
To some extent2 (16.7%)
To a large extent6 (50.0%)
To a very large extent3 (25.0%)
Don’t know/Not applicable1 (8.3%)
Total12 (100.0%)
 MeanStandard DeviationCoefficient of VariationMinLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMax
To what extent do you feel that the workload during the course was reasonable in relation to the extent of the course/number of credits awarded?4.20.920.4 %

To what extent do you feel that you have acquired applicable and relevant theoretical knowledge?

To what extent do you feel that you have acquired applicable and relevant theoretical knowledge?Number of responses
To a very small extent0 (0.0%)
To a small extent0 (0.0%)
To some extent3 (25.0%)
To a large extent4 (33.3%)
To a very large extent5 (41.7%)
Don’t know/Not applicable0 (0.0%)
Total12 (100.0%)
 MeanStandard DeviationCoefficient of VariationMinLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMax
To what extent do you feel that you have acquired applicable and relevant theoretical knowledge?4.20.820.0 %

To what extent do you feel that you have acquired applicable and relevant practical skills?

To what extent do you feel that you have acquired applicable and relevant practical skills?Number of responses
To a very small extent0 (0.0%)
To a small extent1 (8.3%)
To some extent2 (16.7%)
To a large extent5 (41.7%)
To a very large extent3 (25.0%)
Don’t know/Not applicable1 (8.3%)
Total12 (100.0%)
 MeanStandard DeviationCoefficient of VariationMinLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMax
To what extent do you feel that you have acquired applicable and relevant practical skills? %